Enjoy a delightful tasting menu, including vegan caviar, from one of Portland’s leading plant-based chefs.
Portland, Oregon’s vibrant SE Belmont St is a haven for vegan enthusiasts seeking an exceptional culinary journey. The lively street hosts a captivating array of all-vegan establishments promising a symphony of flavors from around the world. Among them, Workshop Food + Drink offers a multi-course tasting menu with vegan caviar service.

From top to bottom (clockwise): Corn Cake with fermented Jimmy Nardello, Vegan Caviar Tart, Onion Stroopwafel with Mushroom Pate, Seaweed-fermented Cabbage, & Seaweed Jerky Photo by Josh Chang
Portland’s Workshop Food + Drink Offers Vegan Tasting Menu
Workshop Food + Drink emerged in February as Portland's sole vegan tasting menu restaurant. Led by renowned plant-based chef Aaron Adams, Workshop tantalizes taste buds with a feast that elevates plant-based dining to new heights. This venue presents an array of exquisite dishes, from House-made Vegan Caviar with Buckwheat Blini to Cornbread with Smoked “Honey Butter” and Cucumber “Tartare” with Dill & Shallot Cashew Cheese.
Workshop also thoughtfully crafts non-alcoholic pairings, such as house-made NA amari, inspired by Adams' desire to create a space where the sober community can savor grown-up flavors and unwind.
Additionally, sharing space with Fermenter, Workshop minimizes waste by incorporating by-products in its menu, aligning with a holistic approach to sustainability.

Rhubarb-Buckwheat Tarts Photo by Josh Chang
Workshop Food + Drink’s Chef Aaron Adams: Vegan Trailblazer
Workshop Food + Drink’s Chef Aaron Adams has been a trailblazer in Portland's vegan scene for almost two decades. From the iconic Fermenter kombuchery and deli to the modernist Farm Spirit, his influence is unmistakable.
At Workshop, Adams beautifully marries the diverse influences of his upbringing. From the silky notes of housemade cashew creme to the zing of fermented pineapple, his dishes pay homage to Cuban American flavors while showcasing Pacific Northwest delights.
Adams shared, “Workshop isn't trying to do anything revolutionary. We are a group of cooks and servers that are just trying to diligently and respectfully work toward refining our craft while bringing novelty and joy to our guests by executing what is a very straightforward, classical approach to plant-based cuisine. We are one of many regional American restaurants making seasonal, farm-to-table food, which is the standard in fine dining and fine dining adjacent cuisine. I'd say we are more the latter, fine dining adjacent, because our dinner parties throw off some of the conventions of fine dining in preference for our casual ‘Portland’ style.”

Chef Aaron Adams Photo by Christina Bluford
More from Workshop Food + Drink’s Chef Adams
Chef Adams' culinary journey continues beyond Workshop's doors with his forthcoming cookbook, Fermenter: DIY Fermentation for Vegan Fare in collaboration with fellow fermentation educator Liz Crain. Expect the release in September 2023.