You don’t want to miss this interview with the world’s tiniest herbivore!
There are a lot of popular vegan influencers, celebrities, and chefs out there, but Tiny Chef might be our all-time favorite! For the small percentage of the world unfamiliar with Tiny Chef (aka Cheffy), he is an 8-inch-tall green herbivore known for his TV show, which is now on Nickelodeon, titled The Tiny Chef Show. Cheffy is a skilled vegan chef that shows his viewers how to make plant-based meals, all while speaking in the most adorable musical voice, and often breaking out the banjo. This summer, Cheffy teamed up with Priceline to embark on an international trip, exploring vegan food, nature, and local culture. Keep reading to hear what Tiny Chef has to say about vegan cooking, international travels, and more.
VegOut (VO): Have you always been vegan? What do you love about eating plant-based foods?
Tiny Chef (TC): Blime an herbivore chef thwu and thwu, blaways hav been blaways wiww be hehehe! I absowutewy lub mah fwuits and veggies! They’re mah favowite and keep me feeling healfy bland happy.
Translation: I’m an herbivore chef through and through, always have been always will be hehe! I absolutely love my fruits and veggies! They’re my favorite and keep me feeling healthy and happy.
VO: You’re such a skilled chef! Where did you learn to cook?
TC: Cooking is pawt of my soul I tell ya. I’ve been cheffing evow since I can wemembow.
Translation: Cooking is part of my soul I tell you. I’ve been cheffing ever since I can remember.
VO: What is your favorite tiny vegan meal to cook for yourself?
TC: I lub cookin up a wuvewy blegtable stewwwww, it weminds me of one of my “Happy Pwaces”, when I went campin in Owegon bland we sat awound da fiwe blenjoying a dewicious wholesome stewwwww.
Translation: I love cooking up a lovely vegetable stew, it reminds me of one of my “Happy Places” when I went camping in Oregon and we sat around the fire enjoying a delicious wholesome stew.
VO: We hear you have some exciting travels ahead! Where all are you going?
TC: Bloh my moogness, wet me tell yewww!! BIy used Pwiceline this summer to visit my “Happy pwaces” bland explore my passions of expewiencing gweat food bland da gweat outdoors! My first shtop was da mewtiful mountains, wakes bland caves of Banff Nationow Park in Canada. Next, bIy headed “acwoss da pond,” to Pawis, Fwance for some city sightseeing, fowwowed by Hvar and Spwit in Cwoatia for hiking and boat bladventures—all paired with dewicious meals, blooooviously!
Translation: Oh my goodness, let me tell you! I used Priceline this summer to visit my “Happy Places” and explore my passions of experiencing great food and the great outdoors. My first stop was the beautiful mountains, lakes and caves of Banff National Park in Canada. Next, I headed “across the pond” to Paris, France for some city sightseeing, followed by Hvar and Split in Croatia for hiking and boat adventures—all paired with delicious meals, obviously!
VO: Which city are you most excited to visit and why?
TC: Blall of dem. Da besht pawt ablout twaveling esh allll da fwavors of diffewent pwaces. Evewy town has it’s own seasoning blif you wiww. Alsho blime mosht blexcited ablout Fwance.
Translation: All of them. The best part about traveling is all the flavors of different places. Every town has its own seasoning if you will. Also I’m most excited about France.
VO: Most importantly, are you bringing your banjo? What will be your go-to travel song on this trip?
TC: The banjo didn’t fit in my tiny wuggage, but I did play some tewwwns on da blaccordion while in Pawis! Singin away ablout mah “Happy Pwaces!!!” Hehehehe!
Translation: The banjo didn’t fit in my tiny luggage, but I did play some tunes on the accordion while in Paris! Singing away about my “Happy Places!” Hehehehe!
VO: Do you have any tips for fellow vegan travelers?
TC: Pwiceline’s app makes it blincwedibwy easy for vegan twavelows I musht shay. Yew can ashk Miss Penny, their AI twavel assistant, ablout what hotels are near vegan westaurants bland for da best wecommendations wike, “what’s the cwosest vegan westaurant to da Eiffel Tower pweeze?” SHO SHO convenlient you wouldn’t bewieve it.
Translation: Priceline’s app makes it incredibly easy for vegan travelers I must say. You can ask Miss Penny, their AI travel assistant, about what hotels are near vegan restaurants and for the best recommendations like, “what’s the closest vegan restaurant to the Eiffel Tower please?” SO SO convenient you wouldn’t believe it.
VO: What are your top five favorite vegan restaurants?
TC: I’ve been to sho many wonderful vegan shpots, but hewe are some of my favowites fwom my twips—pweeze go thewe, fank yew.
- Nourish Cafe in Banff, Canada
- Moon and the Wild in Paris, France
- Pandora Greenbox in Split, Croatia
- Vintage in Hvar, Croatia (offers a vegan option for every dish!)
Translation: I’ve been to so many wonderful vegan spots, but here are some of my favorites from my trips—please go there, thank you.
VO: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
TC: PWEEZE fowwow me dis summer, join the #HappyPlaceChase by fowwowing awong on social media at @thetinychefshow bland @priceline on Instagram and TikTok to shee blall my bladventuwes fank yew.
Translation: PLEASE follow me this summer, join the #HappyPlaceChase by following along on social media at @thetinychefshow and @priceline on Instagram and TikTok to see all my adventures thank you.